The insane overlords of ‘society’ are well along in their sick plan to destroy our lives and kill us off. After millennia of making us believe we are helpless without them, we are rising up in the strength of spirit to transform our lives and our home.
Many have awakened but look back to Tartaria as a golden age. This was also a system where people were not treated as equals. There were still ‘rulers’ over others. It was just another civilisation that fell. We have to go further back to when we were one people. When our minds are one in the golden glow of Christ Consciousness we connect in the joy of divine love, to care for each other and transform our environment back to purity. We are like rose petals opening to light. The fragrance of divine love unlocks ancient memories of our eternal glory. Paula Rule Your sister in spirit Paula |
AuthorPaula 💛 golden ray Archives
January 2025