On the soul path there is no choice. This is becoming evident on the world stage where we are presented with a ‘choice’ from the satanic cabal. Take vaccine and return to societal norms or refuse and have ‘freedoms’ taken away.
Jesus demonstrated commitment to the soul path when one of his followers tried to turn his mind to the ego matrix. Jesus replied, ‘Get behind me, satan!’ Matthew 16:23 In our times, those who speak truth are still tortured and murdered – they value their universal self too much to destroy their soul trajectory. They understand that suffering for what is right is cleansing and healing for ascension to the next level. The only thing that can hold us back is ourselves. I balked at the Twin Flame journey because I shared divine love with my late husband. So profound was my experience with Chris that I’ve lived alone ever since he graduated from the physical body. Like many others, I was stubborn and reluctant to let go of the past and all I held dear, only to be attacked by demonic entities trying to halt the great awakening and the reunion of Twin Flames. These beings of darkness try to break us through contrived suffering. They do not know the power of Christ and the precious gift we hold. We rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; character; and hope. And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out His love into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, whom He has given us. Romans 5:3-5 Divine love is the way of ascension. It is our strength, our purpose and our victory. On a personal note – the energies have been unprecedented and I've just had to go with the flow. My second book, Divine Love Twin Flames is still with the publishers. Divine timing at work here…. Love to all brothers and sisters in Spirit. Paula goldenraytwinflameearthangel.com Comments are closed.
AuthorPaula 💛 golden ray Archives
January 2025