Wisdom of the ancestors leads us to more than we can envision for ourselves. My latest book, Return to Eden ~ new earth community is dedicated to my Nanna and Poppa for good reason.
These beautiful souls were lovely people in the physical and they lived in the peace of God’s grace. At the start of my Twin Flame journey they appeared to me in a dream. I was laid out on their kitchen table and they were watching over me. It was unprecedented as I had never dreamed of them before. The symbolism was that I was in the heart of their home and their love was surrounding me. I knew their protective energy would stay with me until my mission was complete. After they left this world I was given Nanna’s brooch. It was a simple, subtle piece of jewellery that relatives did not value. A unique sliver of black fire opal set in gold tone setting. This gorgeous gemstone was alive with many colours that changed with movement and light. Thank God I took photos and made a video of it. I arranged to have it set into a ring. I gave it to a (supposedly reputable) jeweller who stole the gem, replaced it with an unworthy stone in an ugly setting and took six hundred dollars of my money as well. I was furious at the time and sick at heart. But then Nanna whispered to me that it didn’t matter; her love would be with me always. When the grandmothers speak, the earth will be healed. Hopi Proverb. Recently I researched my ancestors Irish surname and was amazed to learn it means ‘Child of the King’. How perfect. Thank you dear Nanna and Poppa for being an example of divine love and a guiding light for me. Love Always Your sister in spirit Paula https://www.goldenraytwinflameearthangel.com/ https://www.goldenraytwinflameearthangel.com/divine-love-twin-flames.html https://www.goldenraytwinflameearthangel.com/about-me.html https://www.goldenraytwinflameearthangel.com/golden-ray-light https://www.youtube.com/c/goldenraytwinflameearthangel https://onlyfans.com/goldenraytwinflame [email protected] Comments are closed.
AuthorPaula 💛 golden ray Archives
January 2025