The ascension path is our choice to refute the matrix and live in peace and joy. The higher we vibrate the more we assimilate into the natural flow of life and be a part of divine design. Nature provides everything we could ever require and so much more. How good is it to walk on the beach, listening to the roar of the waves; or lie on the grass and watch clouds drift by? To feel the gentle rays of the sun warming your body or the wind caressing your skin. To climb a mountain and fill your eyes with the wonder of God’s creation. Gaia is home to beautiful creatures that want to live in harmony with us. Think of your beloved pets, how you talk to them and feel they understand and love you; it is true of all creation. How trees and flowers thrive when spoken to kindly – look it up, it’s true! The bible tells us that God spoke the world into existence and as His children we are made to speak life and beauty into His creation. Try it yourself! The LORD merely spoke, and the heavens were created. He breathed the word, and all the stars were born. Psalm 33:6 Every morning I walk through parklands down by the water; where swans, ducks and all species of birds sing in harmony. Turtles peek out from the edge of the pond and water dragons sun themselves on the rocks. These sights and sounds make me feel so high, I smile and just naturally speak to them. I say good morning and exclaim at how beautiful they are. They respond in their natural tones, that together sound like a magnificent symphony. Butterflies move languidly through the air, seemingly in time with sparkling leaves in a gentle breeze. Flowers bloom with desire to share delicate perfume and display heart warming beauty. There is no matrix time in the natural world; only the eternal now moment where dreams are born and come true. Where love is all around us. It’s time to take our place in the grand scheme of life. To create miracles with love and be part of divine design as we were created to be. Love Always Paula New Earth Community Divine Love Twin Flames God, Me and the Mango Tree Golden Ray Light blog YouTube channel Contact me [email protected] Comments are closed.
AuthorPaula 💛 golden ray Archives
January 2025