What an amazing heritage we have! We are created in the image of God; to experience divine love, work miracles and exult in spirit. Eons of captivity in a slave system caused collective amnesia and many lost hope. Now in the age of Aquarius we are being set free of the shackles that held us back from all that we are. Guided by spirit we re-discover our strengths and the ways we can enhance all of creation just by being ourselves. This power is not of the ego but a fact of our existence. We are awakening to recall ancient /new skills and abilities that are our birthright.
The ‘Clair’s’ are natural abilities for humans. Clair as a prefix means clear. So the ‘Clair’s’ are part of our operating system when we become clear channels for healing, transmutation, divination, revelation and more… Inner vision is known as Clairvoyance - the ability to see through time and space through the power of the third eye. Clairsentience understands by feeling the vibrations of others, plants, animals, Gaia and the Cosmos. Clairaudience is the ability to discern truth and hear clear messages from the spiritual realm. Clairtangency is downloading information through touching an object or person. Clairsalience is the ability to discern a fragrance or scent from the astral planes. Claircognizance is intuitive knowledge from beyond this consciousness. Just knowing…. Transcendental Chakras Through light code upgrades we are now aware of energetic portals beyond the body chakras. We can connect with these vortices through meditation to discover our Universal Self and our unique gifts and abilities for the foundation of the New Earth. Earth Star Chakra The Earth Star Chakra beneath the feet is your energetic connection to Mother Earth. Align your physical body by walking barefoot in grass or hugging a tree, swimming in the ocean or indeed any action that honours our planet. Communicate with nature by sending positive vibrations to the plants and creatures who share our Garden of Eden. The love of Gaia is ancient Sacred Knowledge for Ascension so feel the earth’s resonance vibrating through your chakras to integrate optimal health and vitality. As we heal our earth we heal ourselves. Spirit Chakra Connection to the realm of Spirit highlights Your spiritual gifts and abilities. In this space you are free to embrace and refine your skills of Clairvoyance, Clairaudience, Clairsentience and Claircognizance. This magical kingdom is also home to your spirit animals and kindred spirits from beyond time and space. Soul Star Chakra Your illuminated self is accessed through an energetic field in the ether above the crown chakra. Activating this chakra consolidates your experiences in the ego matrix from your ancient, modern and timeless self. Personal identity is strengthened and expanded as you integrate the truth - you are a Star Soul in a Universe of Divine Love. Spiritually advanced souls are often depicted with a halo of white or golden light above their heads representing the significance of Soul Star Activation. Universal Soul Chakra Becoming a master of the world within and without through transmutation of lower energy fields. Adherence to Universal Law yields extraordinary power to co-create an eternal masterpiece of Celestial Love. This cosmic Unified energy often heralds the Awakening of the Twin Flame archetype. Transformation from I AM to We Are One. Divine Stellar Gateway Chakra Christ Consciousness is One with the Creator of All. Mastery of the ego self and perfect alignment with Divine Will is the power to manifest blessing and miracles of Love and Unity. This Holy Light being has overcome the Karmic wheel for the Ascension of All. Return to Eden ~ new earth community. Paula Rule And my YouTube playlist https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLgZIUf1y6mMev21h-59-ZVvMUu3mzwW5_ These are some of our most basic powers and the energies we can access to be all that we are. Divine Love is the Key to Ascension. Your Sister in Spirit Paula https://www.youtube.com/c/goldenraytwinflameearthangel https://www.goldenraytwinflameearthangel.com/divine-love-twin-flames.html https://www.goldenraytwinflameearthangel.com/about-me.html https://www.goldenraytwinflameearthangel.com/golden-ray-light https://www.youtube.com/c/goldenraytwinflameearthangel https://onlyfans.com/goldenraytwinflame https://[email protected] Comments are closed.
AuthorPaula 💛 golden ray Archives
August 2024