This year has been HUGE so far, and it’s only just beginning! Signs and symbols are everywhere!
On my facebook page last month I shared how I am helping an unawakened Twin. Here are two of the signs and symbols we have seen - We were chatting about his lovely Twin as he got in the driver’s seat of his car. He looked down and at his feet was a white feather with a gold heart shape at the apex. He exclaimed that he had never seen a feather quite like that before and I was stunned by its beauty. He placed it next to him and when we got over our amazement, we looked down and the feather was gone! It was a windy day so maybe it blew away, but it had done its job. It was a sacred sign of his Union. The other day I was gazing out the front window and a bird was just standing there looking at me. It was significant for me as many of my Twin Flame signs have been through birds. Well, just after that Ric came home and went into the kitchen. He was staring out the back window and called out that a bird was standing there staring at him. I rushed out there, OMG written all over my face because he had the same omen! I told him how a bird had just appeared to me out the front window. I followed the call to help a brother in spirit and I’m glad I did. The signs that we have seen are extraordinary! My housemate has begun the awakening phase of his journey. He has been sharing some of his dreams and they are vivid with Twin Flame symbolism. As always, free will dictates what happens but these signs make us aware of our true path. I pray that Ric and Donna overcome their perceived barriers to live their dreams. May we all rise up in spirit to live our dreams of love and peace. May we live free to be all that we are in the heart of Christ Consciousness - and bring this world to Heaven. Amen Love Paula golden ray twin flame earth angel Comments are closed.
AuthorPaula 💛 golden ray Archives
January 2025